Tuesday, March 30, 2010

There's gotta be a secret handbook... right??

From the time a little girl can start picking out her clothes she is told NOT to dress sexy. Throughout her pre-teen and teenage years she is told that sex is bad. "Don't think about it, don't talk about it, don't try to emulate it." These things are continually drilled into her psyche until the day she gets married and then, magically, she is suppose to flip the switch and transform into this sex goddess for her husband. I think the message we are trying to convey is not that sex is "bad," but that it is "wrong" to have sex before marriage. But sex is such an uncomfortable topic, that our message, no matter how sincere, gets lost in translation. In reality, sex is a beautiful creation from God, but it is only fulfilling and complete within the bounds of marriage. So after, let's say, 23 years of "don't be sexy" and "sex is bad" how exactly are women suppose to feel comfortable embracing this new concept that sex is now acceptable and it's a good thing to be sexy (for your husband.) Now I know that this is not the only aspect of a marriage but it is a very necessary, and often neglected, component.
Sometimes there are other issues that hinder wives from seeking out their inner sex kitten. Issues like, in my case, sexual abuse from childhood or abuse from previous relationships. These issues compound the idea that sex is bad, dirty, or in someway wrong. It almost seems wrong to enjoy sex, but that is because a sick and tainted world has perverted the precious gift that God created solely for marriage. And I'm pretty sure that if it wasn't created for our enjoyment then He wouldn't have given us all those nerve endings down there LOL! But seriously, my goal here is to help wives find fun and entertaining ways to embrace their inner sex goddess and become a real life fantasy for their husband.
With all of the things that require our attention (laundry, dishes, bills, jobs, kids... the list is never ending)... We have to be deliberate in our attempts to strengthen the friendship, commitment, and intimacy with our husbands.
Here is how I see it...

My husband & Me
Everything else

First and foremost... I am a child of the Most High God...
Next... I am Michelle
Then... I am Lamont's wife
Followed by Darius, Libby, and Devin's mom...

I love my children
But I am IN LOVE with my husband
Many mother's blur these lines
and end up replacing their husband with their children...

My Prayer for you
A committed, fulfilled, and intimate relationship
between you and your husband.


  1. I love the line... I love my children but I am IN LOVE with my husband. Amen Sista!!!

  2. I am so excited you've started a blog! And great subject! I'm looking forward to reading more....you're a great writer.


"When I found the one my heart loves, I held him and would not let him go." ~ Song of Solomon 3:4